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Frequently asked questions

EBAS is not at acronym (anymore) and is now only used as a name. When the database was established in 1995, the intention was that it would only serve as a the repository of EMEP (www.emep.org) data (thus is was an acronym for the “EMEP database”), but then it turned out that several other international organisations also wanted to use the infrastructure. So, the EBAS name was kept, but now we refer to the “Framework” association to reflect which projects and programmes a dataset is affiliated to.

EBAS data are available in NASA-Ames format at the EBAS data portal  and in netCDF format on the EBAS thredds server. For extracting large amounts of data, we recommend users to download the data in netCDF format.

It depends on how quickly the data Quality Control (QC) process goes and the workload at the Data Center. You can check the data curation status of your data either by using the issue tracking system, i.e., https://mantis.nilu.no/ or the NILU data curation status tool, i.e., https://data-curation-status.nilu.no . Note that in general, there is an issue for each dataset which is associated with the ACTRIS framework.


There are some guidelines and recommendations for in-situ aerosol particles and in-situ trace gases measurements, for example, http://www.actris-ecac.eu/measurement-guidelines.html; https://actris.nilu.no/Content/?There are some guidelines and recommendations for in-situ aerosol particles and in-situ trace gases measurements, for example, http://www.actris-ecac.eu/measurement-guidelines.html; https://actris.nilu.no/Content/?pageid=2bedb8fc3d5a42a4b6d96d5fb8dfcd3b .There are some guidelines and recommendations for in-situ aerosol particles and in-situ trace gases measurements, for example, http://www.actris-ecac.eu/measurement-guidelines.html; https://actris.nilu.no/Content/ .

For data harmonization across the network, the Data Center at NILU and the Topic Centers (e.g. ECAC) recommend a short list of the flags for each measurement and each data level (see the templates ). However, it is possible to use several flags at the same time to give detailed information about the data.